German Programme, School of Modern Languages and Cultures HKU School of Modern Languages and Cultures HKU
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Elective Course
GRMN4005 Advanced Chinese-German translation 6 credits
This is a course for translating texts with complex structures between German and Chinese using a variety of texts written in different styles at a more advanced and detailed level. It will provide students with advanced level translation skills and a further understanding of German grammar and syntax. The course will also take text linguistics into account that deals with the interactional, communicative context of the texts, rather than just a sentence or word. Students will practise additional structures and texts gradually and learn about the stylistic differences of various fields (newspaper articles, literary texts, business correspondence and documents, etc.).
Prerequisite: GRMN3002. German III.2
Assessment: 100% coursework
(Offered in 2020/2021, 1st semester)

German Programme, School of Modern Languages and Cultures HKU