German Programme, School of Modern Languages and Cultures HKU School of Modern Languages and Cultures HKU
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Capstone Experience Course
GRMN3022 German project (capstone experience) 6 credits
In this course students will study in-depth an approved topic of their choice in German. They will present their findings to their peers and teachers and submit a written project of around 4,000 words in German at the end of the course. Students wishing to enroll in this course are encouraged to make use of their stay in Germany to collect materials for their project and are strongly advised to attend the pre-course meeting.
Prerequisite: GRMN3001. German III.1
Co-requisite: GRMN3002. German III.2 or comparable level acquired elsewhere
Coursework assessment shall count 100% of the grade awarded for German project
(Offered in 2020/2021, 1st & 2nd semester)

German Programme, School of Modern Languages and Cultures HKU