German Programme, School of Modern Languages and Cultures HKU School of Modern Languages and Cultures HKU
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Elective Course
GRMN2027 Understanding Germany and her German-speaking neighbours 6 credits
The course is designed to give students a better understanding of Germany and her German-speaking neighbours by providing students with an introduction to topics that relate to major current events and developments in these countries from the diversified political and social to cultural aspects. Topics covered include Germany’s political system, contemporary life in unified Germany, family and social life, German customs and traditions, and multicultural aspects of German society. Students will work individually, in pairs and in groups. They will present the result of their work to their fellow students for peer review. This involves project work and class work. They will be instructed on the use of new media to allow practice and improvement of both oral and reading skills.
During the course, students will be required to complete in-class tests, submit a research paper and conduct a presentation on a topic of their choice written in German from a list of topics. This course will also give an overview of other German speaking countries. Classes will be conducted in German and English. Guest lecturers will be invited to give talks on selected topics. Students will be given the opportunity to discuss and raise in-depth questions during the talks.
Prerequisite: GRMN2001. German II.1
Co-requisite: Co-requisites: GRMN2002. German II.2 or comparable level acquired elsewhere.
Assessment: 100% coursework.
(Offered in 2020/2021, 2nd semester)

German Programme, School of Modern Languages and Cultures HKU